Monday, August 13, 2007

COMING SOON! The Reflecting Pool

This film and others will be part of the upcoming 9/11 Truth Film Festival, Sept 10th and (believe it or not) Sept. 11, 2007 in Oakland, CA.


Anonymous said...

OMG, the HOLLYWOOD LEFTIES are out of control. MICHAEL MOORE and the CLINTONS are behind this. Better warn BILLO and RUSHBO that the loons are on the loose, so they can save us!!

Oh, sorry, got a little carried away there, channeling anon and the other trolls. Surprising how easy it is when you don't have to present a SINGLE FACT to make your argument!!

H Nicole Young said...

Thanks for the info, Shoes. Right here in my own backyard -- the good ol' East of Bay! Maybe I'll go take a lookie, if we are all still here by that time. :)

Shoes4Industry said...

Please report back if you are able to attend.

Anonymous said...

"Surprising how easy it is when you don't have to present a SINGLE FACT to make your argument!!"

You hit that one out of the park!!! The "Truthers" don't have fact one to back them up.

Shoes4Industry said...

You obviously have not watched or read any of the information presented here.

One FACT is that buildings don't just "collapse" from the top down. Period.

The facts are on the side of the truth.


Anonymous said...

"One FACT is that buildings don't just "collapse" from the top down. Period."

Yeah, right. There's only about a thousand video tapes and a bazillion witness' who prove otherwise.

Shoes4Industry said...

They don't collapse from the top down without being compromised from below,
just THINK about it. Do the cup experiment. Deep down in your black little heart you know we are right, admit it. Or prove us wrong.

Anonymous said...

Anon said:
"Yeah, right. There's only about a thousand video tapes and a bazillion witness' who prove otherwise."

Look closer. Look a LOT closer.

-different news stations showing the SAME feed with the SAME interference.
-fireproof passports.
-cars melted BLOCKS away, but not people or other buildings right there at G.Z.
-consistent plumes of "smoke" as the floors fell...sorry, dustified.
-airplanes that change colour?
-reports of "not a passenger aircraft."

Really, I could go on, but deep down you already know all this.

Ask questions. Demand answers. It's okay if you do. That's your right.